Sunday, September 8, 2013

A511.4.4.RB-Contingency Theory

This week the discussion turns to contingency theory and managerial traits. Many of the early forays into the academic world of leadership focused on defining what traits make a good manager and how a manager behaved in certain situations and that behaviors effectiveness. It appears to me that early studies seemed to start with an idea and work towards validation of that idea. As in, there has to be something that makes a leader a leader and these traits must be present in order for a leader to come forth. According to Yukl this has been supported by multiple studies which begs the question that how many studies are needed to determine leaders need self-confidence? Snark aside there are traits that tend to come out when leaders are studied. Aside from the obvious ones such as self-confidence there are competencies such as emotional intelligence and internal loci of control that are also present. Other traits such energy level and stress tolerance and integrity are pretty self-explanatory. Short version: you need those things. Also, ambition (broken down by power motivation and achievement orientation) is important. Effective leaders tend to want to be leaders.  Surprisingly, narcissism can be of benefit to a leader but only if properly contained and applied. When a leader brings adoration upon his or her self by also empowering others narcissism can be positive. 

In my view emotional intelligence (EI) is critical for leaders. A leader needs to understand how his or her biases, emotional state, prejudices, and state of mind are affecting decision making. Leaders need to be able to work with many different people in many different capacities. In order to make sound decisions a leader needs to understand how these varying people and emotions are affecting the leader internally. It takes a great deal of self awareness to be highly emotionally intelligent and this is where I try to continually improve. I don't consider myself a master of EI by any stretch by any means but I'm getting there.

Where I am strong is self-confidence and ambition. I came through the crucible of homelessness to become an air traffic controller and a college graduate. That gives a person a bit of confidence. I made plenty of mistakes but I have tried to learn from them and move forward with my new knowledge. Some of my life lessons have been very painful but I moved forward and tried not to repeat them. Once again, not always successful but I have learned to trust myself. Ambition is good when one tries to rise those around him as well. I never want my ambition to come at the expense of others. I think leaders need to be ambitious but also need to develop and mentor subordinates. This was a lesson I also learned the hard way but that just means it stuck. 

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