Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Day in the Life

Another video! I rather enjoy these as I tend to learn something from each one. This video isn't a reflective as others but it was interesting to see how Southwest keeps morale up among their crews as well as promote a culture. As a bonus this video starts with some sweet 90's corporate music. Enjoy. 

Is the Culture Committee at Southwest effective in establishing cultural norms?

Southwest is known for having a unique corporate culture. I think the Committee is doing an excellent job as exemplified by this hilarious attendant. If you watch nothing else you should watch video to see how Southwest's culture is personified. With that I can move on.
From what you can tell, what is the purpose of the culture committee at Southwest?

From just the initial video I would say the purpose of the Culture Committee is to promote the welfare and moral of the crews on the aircraft. However, it is probably safe to say that the committee has more than one function such as designing new programs to keep morale high and ensuring that needs of the crews are being met.

What would you see as a viable mission for a culture committee in your place of work (or your last place of work if you are not currently working)?
Patient care can be a demanding field and there are many ways that culture committees can be useful. However, the hospital does endeavor to provide regular gatherings as well as food and drink for the staff. In addition, the union often does cookouts and bar-b-ques outside in the common areas where staff can gather for a a free lunch. It isn't always possible to promote a uniform culture in an organization as large as the Department of Veteran's Affairs but locally the union does a fantastic job of providing those little thank-yous that go a long way.
What can you take away from this exercise to immediately use in your career?

I have always thought that a positive and fun culture can go a long way towards keeping employees happy. A happy worker is a productive worker. Within my unit we try to keep things as light as possible but that carries with it the danger of seeming flippant to outside observers. It is a careful balance!

With that in mind I am going to go watch the Super Bowl.

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