Sunday, April 5, 2015

A631.2.5.RB - Cooperation and Competition

New class, new subjects for the blog. For this week I am looking at the process that went into forming a geographically separated team. This team will form a work-group throughout the weeks to come

What behaviors seemed to help your team successfully complete its task?

Communication was key. In this week I was the weak link in communication as I had overlooked the project being assigned so early. As a result my communication wasn't timely and therefore not helpful. While I added my inputs towards the end of the week they were not useful as a whole. The other team members were not able to make use of my data. Thankfully, the data inputs are individual and not requiring processing or I would have set them back.

What factors inhibited decision-making or problem-solving?

Geographic separation encompassing several time zones is the biggest issue. Had everyone been on my time zone the deadlines would have been easier to manage. Additionally, until my inputs were in place it was impossible for me to be reached. This makes it even more difficult for the team to be able to understand what is happening.

How much time was spent on decision-making and problem-solving?

This would be hard to answer without knowing how long it took each person to formulate their parts of the charter. I know my contributions were fairly straight forward. Also, we would need a defined problem to solve to truly answer this question.

How was information shared among team members?

Information appeared to be shared openly and evenly. Contact numbers and emails were exchanged which should facilitate future information sharing. Information was not always given in a timely fashion but that was more my failing than the team's failing.

How did issues of authority or power affect the team?

They did not seem to affect the team at all. This was a straightforward assignment with very little need for interventions or process examination. True issues of power tend to develop when there is more than one way to solve the issues. This assignment did not lend itself to that paradigm. Additionally, all members have done these before and are practiced in the information needed. Having this experience removed any need for direction or true authority.

How did collaboration and competition influence the outcome?

The team seemed to be very collaborative. The outcome was influenced by one team member posting close to the end of the deadline. The aforementioned issues played a part in this outcome.

Did team members make process interventions?

They didn't seem to be needed. The members of the team have all done this type of work in the past. Having done that type of work the team was able to smoothly add information and produce a product. Once again, as the projects grow in complexity this will change.

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